Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Being an Oklahoman

     So as you may have heard, read, seen, or even personally witnessed, Oklahoma was put again through the ringer weather wise. Our towns all over central Oklahoma on Sunday and Monday of this week were ravaged with tornadoes. As an Oklahoman in this past week I have seen our state, and even surrounding states show nothing but support. Whether that support was just financial, volunteering, or giving items that they need or could it has been there. I am so proud to be an Oklahoman for those reasons alone. It may have knocked us down for a moment, but we will stand together and strive to be better.

     I also want to pay my respects for all of the families that have lost everything, and especially to the ones who have lost love ones. I cannot say I know how you feel, but I can say I am so sorry for what you are going through and if you need anything please let me know. I do know several people who lost everything and wish I could give each of them everything back, but all I can do is offer my help and they take it when they are ready. 

     I can honestly and truthfully say that I am more appreciative than I ever have been for all that I have. I will not take my children for granted and spend every moment that I can doing all for them. I do not take for granted even being able to wash a load of laundry anymore, or climbing in bed and having warm blankets to cover with. I may not have been impacted physically, but this tragedy has impacted me mentally and made me more aware that everything can be gone within an instant and some cannot be replaced, so cherish everything.

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